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Data Security

1. Introduction

At Cushi , we prioritize the security of our users’ data. This policy outlines the measures we take to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

2. Data Security Measures

2.1. Access Controls

  • User Authentication: We use strong authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users have access to our systems.
  • Role-Based Access: Access to sensitive data is restricted based on user roles and responsibilities.

2.2. Data Encryption

  • In-Transit: We use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encrypt data transmitted between users and our servers.
  • At-Rest: Sensitive data is encrypted while stored on our servers using industry-standard encryption algorithms.

2.3. Network Security

  • Firewalls: We employ firewalls to protect our network from unauthorized access.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Our systems are monitored for suspicious activity using IDS.

2.4. Regular Audits and Assessments

  • Security Audits: We conduct regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities in our systems.
  • Penetration Testing: We perform penetration testing to simulate attacks and evaluate the security of our infrastructure.

2.5. Incident Response

  • Incident Management: We have an incident response plan to address security breaches promptly.
  • Notification: In the event of a data breach, we will notify affected users as required by law and our internal policies.

2.6. Employee Training

  • Security Awareness: All employees undergo regular training on data security best practices.
  • Confidentiality Agreements: Employees are required to sign confidentiality agreements to protect user data.

3. Data Retention and Disposal

  • Data Retention: We retain personal data only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law.
  • Data Disposal: When data is no longer needed, we ensure it is securely deleted or destroyed.

4. Third-Party Security

  • Vendor Assessment: We evaluate the security practices of third-party vendors who process personal data on our behalf.
  • Data Processing Agreements: We have data processing agreements in place to ensure third-party compliance with our security standards.

5. User Responsibilities

  • Password Management: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their passwords and other authentication credentials.
  • Phishing Awareness: Users should be vigilant about phishing attempts and report suspicious emails to us immediately.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about our data security practices, please contact us at datasecurity@cushi.ai

Effective Date:

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