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Cushi.ai Pilot Program Policy

At Cushi.ai, we value the importance of testing and refining our platform in real-world environments to ensure it meets the needs of our users. Our pilot programs are designed to provide early access to Cushi.app, allowing organisations to experience its benefits firsthand while contributing to its ongoing development.

Purpose of the Pilot

The pilot program enables participating organisations to integrate Cushi.app into their operations and provide valuable feedback on its performance. This helps us enhance the platform, ensuring it delivers a seamless and effective learning experience tailored to the specific needs of businesses.

Costing Structure

Participation in our pilot program is a paid engagement. This ensures that pilot participants receive the highest level of support and access to all core functionalities of Cushi.app during the trial period. The cost for the pilot program covers the following:

  • Full access to the Cushi.app platform for the agreed pilot duration.
  • Customised onboarding and training for your team.
  • Priority support and dedicated account management.
  • Ongoing access to new features and updates during the pilot phase.


Our pilot program pricing is determined based on the scope and scale of your organisation’s needs. Pricing will be discussed and agreed upon during the onboarding process. Special discounts or reduced rates may be available for early adopters and organisations willing to participate in feedback sessions.

Value Proposition

Participants in the pilot program benefit from early access to our cutting-edge AI-powered learning tools, personalised learning paths, and the opportunity to shape the future development of Cushi.app. In return, participants are expected to provide feedback to inform ongoing improvements.

Duration and Terms

Pilot programs typically run for a period of 3 months, during which time participants will have access to the full suite of Cushi.app’s features. At the end of the pilot period, participants have the option to transition to a full subscription plan at preferred rates.

Feedback Expectations

Feedback is a critical component of the pilot program. We ask that participants engage in scheduled feedback sessions and complete periodic surveys to share their experiences. This feedback directly informs our product development and ensures that Cushi.app continues to evolve in response to user needs.

Contact Us

For more information about our pilot program or to inquire about pricing, please contact our team at pilot@cushi.ai

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