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Key Facts

AlphaGo vs. Se-Dol (이세돌)

In 2016, Google’s AlphaGo software faced off against the South Korean world champion of Go, Se-Dol, in a series of five games. AlphaGo won the majority of the matches.

Deep Blue's Checkmate

En 1997, IBM’s supercomputer Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov, marking a pivotal shift for Artificial Intelligence from labs to daily life.

solutions 2

Key Facts

AlphaGo vs. Se-Dol (이세돌)

In 2016, Google’s AlphaGo software faced off against the South Korean world champion of Go, Se-Dol, in a series of five games. AlphaGo won the majority of the matches.

Deep Blue's Checkmate

En 1997, IBM’s supercomputer Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov, marking a pivotal shift for Artificial Intelligence from labs to daily life.

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Academic Insights

Sydney, Australia
Service Associate

Job description Probabo, inquit, sic agam, ut calere ignem, nivem esse vult, summumque malum et, quantum possit, a sapiente delectus, ut ipsi auctori huius disciplinae placet: constituam, quid est consecutus? laudem et voluptates repudiandae sint...

Innovation in AI Models

Sydney, Australia
Service Associate

Job description Probabo, inquit, sic agam, ut calere ignem, nivem esse vult, summumque malum et, quantum possit, a sapiente delectus, ut ipsi auctori huius disciplinae placet: constituam, quid est consecutus? laudem et voluptates repudiandae sint...

Expert Perspectives

Sydney, Australia
Service Associate

Job description Probabo, inquit, sic agam, ut calere ignem, nivem esse vult, summumque malum et, quantum possit, a sapiente delectus, ut ipsi auctori huius disciplinae placet: constituam, quid est consecutus? laudem et voluptates repudiandae sint...

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